Sunday, November 10, 2019

June and August 2019 results

Hello, I am finally getting around to updating my blog! I had wrote this first part back in May so I thought I will post that and then give a recent update below. :)

I had promised my doc I’d be very good at taking my meds and I did just that! I didn’t skip and religiously took them. It wasn’t easy! I was on a schedule of taking the meds every other week.

I’ve had a few rough weeks. I’ve been good about taking my meds, but it’s def getting to me.  The first week I was just taking them before heading to work, some days without eating much prior and my stomach was getting pretty upset about it! So then I started making sure I’d eat something little  prior to taking them and that helped a lot. The first few days on them I was feeling decent, then the face swelling, tiredness, zits, rashes and nausea feelings would start to kick in. Lots of headaches too. This is my first time on these new chemo meds so I wasn’t sure what my side effects would be. After about a week, my mouth began to hurt. Not nearly like it did during radiation, but it was def sore.   Then the chemo was over and I had a few days to recoup. Well the swelling continued to get worse. And before I knew it, it was time to start the chemo again. The next week was worse. I was nauseous from day one. And it did not get better all week. The swelling got worse and the mouth  pain was there. Headaches randomly too. I was relieved when the chemo days were over, but unfortunately I wasn’t feeling any better as the days went by except the mouth pain wasn’t as bad. And then, with the swelling and all, it was time to starting another week of meds.

It’s hard for me to find joy in life right now. The things in life that should make me happy, are, but it’s actually hard to feel it. I may smile for a minute about something but then that’s it. The joy is over. I never even have a few moments of being on that happy high. I just want to lay in bed and cuddle w my dog and kids. I wish I had zero responsibilities and could sleep the days away.

My family was just downstate for my brother Brendan’s graduation. It was so nice to all be together and watch him graduate! It was emotional for me. I was so proud of him! It made me wonder if I will be here to see my babies graduate.  What will they grow up to be?

I suffered through that chemo for two months and I was anxious to hear what my scans had to say!  

My friend Amanda and Johanna came with me this trip. Unfortunately, I didn’t like the news at all. Every spot had grew. Every. Spot. I was so frustrated by hearing this. I just wanted to hear something positive after dealing with all the negative side effects for those two months. I wanted to feel some relief. I wanted the hard work to pay off. But it didn’t. 

I felt like I was spiraling down. I didn’t feel like I was in control of anything. I was taking these meds that made me feel like shit and everything was still growing. Why? Why am I doing this to myself?! 

That was the day I decided to try something different. I had (and still have) all the trust in my doctors, but I felt it was time to try something else. I had been on the oral chemos for a year and a half and 95% of my appts I kept hearing that there had been growth. I was ready to hear something better! 

Over the years I have had so many people reach out to me (bless their hearts), saying you should try this, you should try that.  I always thought no, no, my docs know what they are doing! I’m going to stick with what they say. But I was starting to lose faith... 

I had been doing a lot of research and decided to try a concoction of things - different essential oils, some in pill form and some that I rub on me. Many different herbs - either mixed in an oil or a pill. And a few different teas in pill form too.  Along with some teas that I drank. I took parts of these in the morning and some in the evening.  I did this for the two months between scans. No chemo at all. I slept great, felt A LOT better not being on the chemo, and loved knowing I was getting the chemo toxins out of my body. 

Some of my friends and family were a bit worried that I had stopped the chemo but I had faith that these products were going to do what they needed to do. I understood completely where they were coming from but it is my body and I get to make the choices on what I do. Luckily my parents are good about trusting me in what I decided. They may not be completely for something, but they keep their opinions to themselves, and let me do it. 

I was definitely a little more worried about my scans as they got closer. My mind was racing - did I make a smart decision? What if the cancer grew like crazy this whole time...but on the other hand - what if I see positive results?!  I felt like now was the time to try. I’m not in a ‘life or death’ moment. Every tumor inside me is fairly small right now. So if I’m going to try something else, nows the time to do it! 

Hearing that there was a bit of growth so many times over the past year, my goal at this scan was to hear no growth. I did not even need to hear that it had shrunk! I just didn’t want to hear that anything grew...

My brother and his preggo wife Alyssa came with Shay and I. Lyss and I had the front, Kent and Shay in the back!  Alyssa was such a good sport doing that drive with a big ole belly!  We made a pitstop in Green Bay, Kent had worked along the way and once there, we dropped him at a Starbucks while we shopped for a bit! Then we hit up the Packers and watched them practice for a while. Also might I mention, I had hit a deer about a week prior so my lovely mother let us take her vehicle! 

Once we got to Milwaukee, I had one of my scans that evening and then met up with family (some of ours and some of Alyssa’s!) for dinner. The next morning Kent dropped me off bright and early at the hospital for the other scan. Then we all met up when it was time to see my docs. This of course is when we are the most nervous. Sitting in the room waiting for them to enter with the news. 

Eventually Doctor Bob came in, I confessed to him that I didn’t take my chemo and was on oils and herbs. He seemed disappointed, which I can understand - he has put a lot of work in trying to come up with what chemos I should be on and he had to fight insurance to get them for me. I felt bad but I also felt confident in my decision. 

He finally pulled up the scans - remember, my goal was to hear no growth. And guess what? That is exactly what I heard! NO GROWTH. I wanted to jump up and down screaming but I refrained from it, haha. I instantly felt a flood of relief. I felt like I had control and that I had made the right decision. I finally had a positive answer. 

For the next coming months, we decide I would take my chemo one week each month. I was going to go 3 months between scans which felt awesome after doing a bunch of two month scans. I was definitely going to continue my oils and herbs too. There was no going back after hearing that news! 

And that brings us to the present. I’ve been very good at taking my oils and have taken some chemo too. My next scans are the beginning of Thanksgiving week. This includes a PET scan which I haven’t had in two years.   I am very ready for them. The past few weeks I feel like I’ve been on edge. I’ve gotten so used to two month scans, and now that I’m past the two months, I wish I had my scans now for a peace of mind. But in a few weeks they will be here and I’m just praying for the same answers as last time - or even better! 

It’s been stressful though. A handful of people I know have had their cancer come back recently. Others have died. Hearing this makes my heart race. For a few days I’ve had a light pain in my chest as I breath in and of course that makes my mind race too! Is the cancer growing? Is that why I hurt?  I will say, the feeling is barely there today though, which is a relief! So who knows what it was from! But I wish the scan would get here already. I’m very anxious..

I had been confident the first two months of these three. I felt I was taking everything I should and in my mind I kept believing my cancer wasn’t growing. I kept telling myself the cancer is shrinking. I do believe your mind and thoughts play a big factor into all of this. But, now that I’m close, I just don’t know how I feel anymore! 

Hoping and praying that I hear good news in a few weeks! 👊🏼 And side note - my brother and Alyssa had their baby girl and she has been a great distraction!