Thursday, October 1, 2015

Surgery #4 - November 18, 2014

Here we go again!
Once I was back in my
room from surgery

This surgery should be pretty short. I was back in the operating room and what are the chances...I end up with the same set of nurses again! I think its pretty crazy. There are many nurses that work in the operating rooms and I always had the same ones.

My hair growth and the scar
once the stitches were out
I wasn't out for too long for this surgery. Maybe an hour or two. When I awoke, I was in the post-surgery recovery room.

Dr. Kassam came in and saw me shortly after. He said I could either go back to the ICU or I could stay in the recovery room for about 5 hours, so I have a constant eye on me, then could go back to my room.

I chose the latter.

This surgery was a bit more painful then the others. I had more feeling on the right side of my head then the top, so I could feel this one. They also put a new drain tube in on the side and that was the pain I was feeling.

The top of my head was looking great, though, and the stitches were out!
The new incision and penrose drain

My mom had just left two days before. I know it was hard for her not being there, but I was okay!

My two aunts were waiting for me when I got out of this surgery. I was on strong pain meds and in and out of sleeping for hours. Eventually, I was able to leave the post-surgery recovery room and be brought back to my room.

Fluid leaking from the penrose
I was happy to be back there. It had become my home away from home! I was starting to feel less and less crazy about needing to get out of there. The hospital had become my safe place. After a few weeks of having no problems, here I was back in surgery. This had helped me realize that I needed to be here.

When I was more alert the doctor came to my room and told me they had removed all the fluid that was inside. It was probably from the muscle and tissues that were healing. They took out the last penrose drain and put a new one in much closer to where the leak was so if fluid was trying to build up again, it had a way to drain out. The doctor said everything was looking good inside and healing well.

But, I was worried about my eye AGAIN. It was just starting to get back to a semi-normal look and now it was going to be disturbed from surgery once again.