Friday, March 23, 2018

March 2018 Lung biopsy

Hello! It’s been a while, time for an update.  My last post was info on the fact that I didn’t need to see the doctors for two months and they thought everything was was stable. It was a great feeling!

I did get a call a few days later from my neurosurgeon telling me to get an MRI done up here in 4 weeks since I was already getting a CT done then. I didn’t mind doing them because it’s like a treat to have the scans done here in town!  After having them I knew I’d probably be waiting a week or so before hearing any news. In the end, it was about a month before I heard anything! Between a miscommunication with where my scans were and then my doctor who reads the scans was out of town. But honestly I was okay with hearing nothing. I had good news in December and I wanted to keep that going. I didn’t want to hear something bad. I just wanted a break from everything. 

Luckily when I did get news, I was told there was no change in the scans. That was a relief! My next scans had been pushed out 3 weeks later then planned and I was starting to stress about them but thankfully hearing this news put me back at ease. 

I had talked about going to see my friend in Florida which I do most years. But my next scans ended up being scheduled the week that I planned to go, so I worked it out where I could go to my appts and then fly out from Milwaukee.

 My friend Jannelle that works with me came along on the trip. We drove down and I had my scans late Monday night. We were at the hospital for hours! My scans took forever. After that we went to our hotel and met my Aunt Liza for dinner. 

The next morning we had to be back for some blood work and then met with two docs. The first was the oncologist I had just started seeing in December for my lungs. He pulled up my scans and said that nothing had changed! Hurray!!  He said I have been the topic of conversation all morning! Between him and my neurosurgeon going back and forth about things.

He thinks we should keep things as they are. Since there is no change let’s keep watching and not put me through anything that isn’t needed until necessary.  I agreed, I liked the idea of doing nothing and coming back in a few months. 

But, then I went to see Dr Kassam. He had a crew of doctors in with him and wrote a big graph type thing on a board explaining how the head and lungs tie into each other. It showed every treatment we have used and all. He wants to come up a plan of meds we can use to fight this. To keep anything from growing.  He explained that the research they were going to do for me, isn’t something they can do for every patient because they wouldn’t have time for anything else. But being special to them, they are doing it for me! A lot of time is involved for research and fighting with insurance companies to do this.  

Dr Kassam also wanted to do a lung biopsy to see what we are dealing with. He doesn’t want to wait for it to grow, he wants to be proactive.  And as much as I didn’t want to do it, or deal with that, I knew he was right.  So the day after vacation, I was scheduled for the biopsy. 

I was bummed about this. The last thing I wanted to do was worry about another body part!!  It seems we finally have the brain tumors under control and now there is this. And I was looking forward to vacation but now the day I get back, I need to have this done, so it will be on my mind. I just kept telling myself to go and have fun, and not think about anything! And for the most part, I did just that! It would pop into my head at times but I did my best to push it out. 

Vacation was relaxing and great. We had great weather, it was great to see my friends, and we had a great time meeting new people and there were lots of laughs involved! If my kids were there with me, I’d say leave us here! :) Plus I didn't love the idea of heading back for the biopsy.

love my friends!

We flew back to Milwaukee early Monday morning. Right away we had to go to the hospital for blood work and to meet with my neuro-oncologist named  Dr Bobustuc.  (Dr Bob for short!) He has been around from the very beginning and now has a big part in deciding our plan of attack. He said he has done a lot of studying on it and he believes these pills are going to help me live a long healthy life! A few months ago I had some tissue left from a biopsy sent out to Foundation 1 for testing. We did not have any good matches but based off of the results and other research, Dr Bobustuc came up with 5 medications I will be trying.

 He explained it like this: when u look at a photo of someone, just by looking at their face, you can not figure out their personality. BUT - by looking at the whole picture - check out their hair color, the style of their hair, the clothes they are wearing, the pose they are making. Looking at these things, you can get an idea of their personality. The same for this cancer. Looking at it, there is no perfect pill. But by looking at the characteristics of it, there are many more options out there. And that is how he came up with this mixture. Some are forms of chemo and others aren’t. One is a pill used to help alcoholics stop drinking! I don’t know the reason behind each..but there is obviously a good explanation which I will find out over time! 

No one has had these 5 pills used together. I am the first....We will start with a very low dose of each and see how I react. I will take them for one week, then off the next week. We will play with the dose and eventually spread the weeks out to farther and farther between each use. 

3 of the 5 pills

I’m not sure how I feel about this. I like that they are all in a pill form, and that I can take them from home.  I will just have to go into our hospital for blood work every now and then to track my levels. A big question is how I will feel on all of these though. I know I am taking a nausea pill with one to fight an upset stomach. Some pill’s side effects talk of mouth sores again...oooh lord. There are many that come with each pill. The chances of getting some are high and others are low. We won’t have answers to this until I start them. 

Dr Bob said it will be a few weeks before I start. He is now dealing with getting approval from my insurance. They may give him a hard time since some of these pills are not made for my ‘problem’.  A few of them he already got approved for,  and one was declined so he is now making an appeal. Another we found out will cost me 400 bucks a month! We are trying to get that price down. And the others he is still working on.

That was it for appts on Monday. After that we grabbed fast food and went straight to our hotel. We had to be up at 3AM to fly out that morning so we were exhausted by this point and didn’t leave our beds the rest of the day! Haha. 

Early the next morning we were up for the lung biopsy. We had to get there a couple hrs prior to the procedure to prep for it.  No eating after midnight the night before. I was passed out long before then! 
Once in the room for the procedure, which was called a CT guided lung biopsy, I first had to get in a position on my stomach that I’d be in the entire time. So however I laid my head, it wasn’t gonna move again until done. That actually took a while for me to figure out because if I laid on my ‘good ear’ then I couldn’t hear, but if I laid on my ‘bad ear’ it would get uncomfortable real quick! Can’t go face down either... I came up with a position that was on my good side, but most of my ear wasn’t on the pillow so I could still hear! Lol. 

 Next came the first CT. This showed the Dr exactly where to go. Then a spot was marked on my back. After that I was given a calming med to help me relax and forget what was going on and a pain med to help with what was about to happen.  Next came the numbing shots on my back where the needle was going in. There were a few CT scans going on at times, I felt the needle go in, and heard some little clamping noises and I knew that was the cutting of the biopsy.  It didn’t feel good, but it also wasn’t the worst pain either. One more CT was done, then I was being transferred to a bed. 
My nurse told me I might need to cough and it is normal to see some blood. Sure enough, the second I started moving, I coughed and there was blood. Not a lot, but enough to make a gross face over. Haha. 

I had an X-ray done right away to see how my lungs looked. They want to make sure there isn’t an air leak or excessive blood. Then I can go back to my room for two more hours, get another X-ray and if that one looks good, we are free to go. 
Jannelle was a great nurse!

I was tired after this and my body, basically my chest, hurt every time I took a breath in. They told me that was normal and I’d feel better the next day. The nurse also said no driving, lifting, exercising and not to remove or get the dressing on my back wet for 48 hrs. 

2 hrs flew by and I had the last X-ray. They said it looked good and we were on our way!  But about 20 minutes into the drive, the Dr who did the biopsy called me and said they let us go so quick, he didn't get a chance to come talk to me. There is an air leak, which is small and should heal on its own, but if I get any more sore then I am,or if more blood starts coming up, that I need to find a hospital.  Well this made me worried! He told me before the procedure that this could happen but the chances were low. And of course it happened!

So here we are, 3 days out of this, and I still have a sore chest when I breath. This morning I was still coughing up blood too. Not a lot of pain, and not a lot of blood. But my nurse had told me I would be good as new the next day and that is not the case!  If I am feeling this way in a few more days, I will probably go in and get an X-ray here just for reassurance that everything is okay and starting to heal. 

the spot of the biopsy 

I should get biopsy answers sometime this next week. 

I feel like a lot has happened recently but I try to remind myself that nothing has grown. There are no changes and all of this is to prevent growth from happening.  Going through these things are to help keep me from needing to do anything more serious and to also help keep me on this earth for a very long time!