Monday, July 7, 2014

Surgery day! June 19, 2014

The night before and morning of surgery went just like the previous day (showers with the weird soap and no conditioner in hair). My throat now had a bit of a tickle to go with my congestion. I was still so worried they were gonna cancel me. I Googled. With some surgeries they do...yikes! Last thing I wanted!

That morning we were like pros. Said goodbye to my parents knowing I'd see them a bit later.

Weighed again, pee test again, all that. Everyone kept saying let's try this again! They all remembered me which was nice. My nurse from the day before peeked in my room to say hi also. They were all so great.

Stripped down and wiped with the sticky pads again. Then my parents came in and the nurse did too.  Time for the IV.

This attire became a regular for me!

Oh, great. Let's do this again.

I clued the nurse in on yesterday's experience. She tried a similar, but bit different area. Got the IV in! Awesome!

Tested the fluid...blew the vein. Here we go again. Lol.

So now she is looking at the same arm, but on my forearm. I don't see or feel a vein and think it's not a good option... but I give her the benefit of the doubt.

(She knows what she's doing, right?!?!)

Sure enough she got it! Smooth sailing! I could instantly tell it worked, I felt nothing.

She asked a lot of the same questions as the day before and then I had asked when the neurology lady with the wires was coming in. (A bit worried someone was gonna forget today since it all had to be rescheduled). A little while later she came in. Got me all hooked up again.

The anesthesiologist came in and I told him my congestion was horrible. He had no worries. Said with the breathing tube in it didn't matter. Okay, sweet!

He explained that he would be by my side the whole time. And he would be putting more IV's in for different meds and one to prep in case I need blood.

Sounds good! I'd already be out when that happens, so I didn't mind.

I was told the first hour is the nurses and anesthesiologist prepping me. Catheter, IV's, and the wires getting hooked up.

So after our talk he left and one of the docs needed to come in and mark what ear was getting the tube. One of the nurses came in with the hair net thing. (Oh man! This is when I'll be looking REALLY cute!) And it's getting really real!

Now, Dr. Kassam peeks in. He says hello and we have a little chat. I don't remember much about that, but he did put an X near my collar bone marking the ear for the tube. (Fluid was stuck in my ear from the pressure of the tumor so the tube will help it drain and I should be able to hear better) Then he left and it was time to get going.

Oh, Lord... I wasn't letting myself get nervous. No reason. Just do it, soon it'll be all done. Literally "seconds," it will feel like for me, I was told. This will be easier then my tests days! Always being poked, waiting for doctors and nurses, waiting for tests.  It'll be much harder on my friends and family waiting for me to get out of surgery.

So, two ladies decked out in surgery clothes come in and introduce themselves. They are taking me down and will be in there the whole time with me. (I make sure I'm extra nice to them so they know I'm a good person and they take good care of me! Hahahaha)

The nurses explained to my parents that someone will keep them updated. If they leave someone will call and if they are in the waiting room someone will come out. I knew they planned on doing both... they like to go outside the hospital and walk.

My parents and I always took a pre-surgery photo.

So it's time.

My parents get up and hug and kiss me. We say goodbye. No crying (from my mom) thank God.  I didn't think I was going to, but if someone started,  I maybe would have.

Then the nurses start pushing my bed out of my room. I felt a bit dumb on the bed being pushed.. I was perfectly fine to walk but I know this is procedure. My parents end up following us because the nurses are showing them their waiting room (which was nice and big and had sleeping rooms) along the way.

We said bye again.

Somewhere along the walk a person all scrubbed up walked by, but I wasn't paying attention. After they passed he said "Hey is that Valery?!"  It was my ENT (official title, otolaryngologist, head and neck surgeon) Dr Corsten. He works side by side with Dr. Kassam for all of the endonasal surgeries. They work together as a team often. He is very well known in Canada, and that made me feel even more comfortable with these doctors! So we all took the elevator up together.

I wait outside the room for a short bit with some nurses. Then it is time!

Into the operating room we go.

Once inside the big, cold, white square room with white machines and tvs all over, the nurses introduced themselves. (Maybe 4 or so more on top of the two who pushed me in?!) They said about 20 people would be in there during the surgery.

The operating table is very skinny. I was surprised by that, but it makes sense when operating the doctors need to be close.

My anesthesiologist put something in my IV.  I missed what he said and asked again and he said it was a calming med. I said okie dokie!

I helped transfer myself from my bed onto "the table". It was a bit soft with a sheet on it. There was a little cradle thing for my head. Felt comfy. As I got on there they asked me to untie the back of my gown so I wouldn't be laying on the knot for hours.

"Okay. Sounds good!" And that, is the last I remember.

The set up in the operating room (not my surgery)

So, either what I got in my IV was more then "calming" or I was "so calm" that I don't remember being awake a bit longer! Happy surgery! :)

Waking up, all I remember is some guy (probably the anesthesiologist)  saying something like, "Val, wake up... Time to wake up... ".

Then I remember  being in my hospital room.  Two female nurses. One light hair and one dark. One's name was Anna (Sounds like On-a). I remember thinking a great childhood friend of mine is named that too.

Then I remember a male checking these wire things attached to my chest. Three above my boobs and two below. I remember thinking, "OMG  he is seeing my boobs!"  But I didn't have enough energy to care.

Then I remember my parents voices. I had a piece of gauze taped to my nose. A few IVs. Things on my legs that squeezed then released.

The look I sported for a few days.

I remember my lips and mouth were so dang dry, I couldn't handle it. My dad asked for some Vaseline. He put it on my lips and that helped a lot.

But my mouth - it was like a desert.

I couldn't drink yet because anesthesia makes you nauseous and I couldn't puke after the surgery I just had. No throwing up or sneezing. I was already worried about it because I got nauseous having both of my kids... so I had meds before and during surgery to help with it.

Now, I need a drink so badly and I can't. I just had more meds for nausea because I felt a bit like I was going to throw up. I don't remember that part. I guess after 30 minutes they could do more to help me out.

I must have been complaining about being thirsty quite a bit though. Eventually my dad could give me a stick with a wet sponge on it to wet my mouth. I think my eyes were still closed. I'm not sure.... I never saw the "sponge on a stick."

Finally, he could give me ice chips. I let them sit in my mouth and melt to water. Heaven.

And a while after that I got water through a straw. Thank God!!!

I was told my throat would be "scratchy" from the breathing tube. Um no, more like I felt like I had strep throat it was so bad! Half my mouth felt numb.

I faintly remember seeing Dr. Kassam.

I remember being so tired, my aunt and mom chatting and it seemed too loud. So the next time she came in my room near me I said I was tired and needed a nap.

She said "sure go ahead we will sit over here."

I said "you guys are too loud." Lol!

They told me to sleep and they would leave for dinner and come back.  Perfect.

So off to sleep I went. With my water right by me. And my numb mouth. And my hurting throat.

But I was oh so tired.

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