Saturday, July 12, 2014

First 6 days after surgery #1

We stayed at my moms friend Bes' house, about 30 minutes outside Milwaukee. My doctor thought heading home Sunday (which was our plan) was too soon. He asked us to stay until Wednesday when we had our next appt with him.

Bes' house is THE perfect house to recuperate at. She has a big beautiful home on a lake. Her 3 kids are graduated and living elsewhere so my Mom and I got the upstairs to ourselves. Bes is an awesome cook and she made so many amazing meals. The downside to that was my taste was going to be gone for a few weeks so everything I ate looked amazing, but I actually couldn't taste it.  My nose was still bleeding and would be for a few weeks too. It's a bit like having a runny nose, but with blood instead. I always had my box of kleenex with me!

Still sporting the gauze at bed time! I didn't want blood all over the pillows.
Kleenex and water everywhere I go

Day 4: I've been itching to feel a bit "normal" so my mom's friend's daughter took me to the nail salon.  I got my fingers polished and a pedicure. After we went for a quick round through Marshall's because it was next door.  

Holy cow. I am  exhausted. 

As in, seeing double-weird sensations-feel like the numbness in my face is accentuated-kind of tired.

From getting my nails done?!  

I went right up to get in bed and take a nap. I'm happy my nails are done, but definitely not ready to go out and about yet. We were going to be going out to eat for dinner, but luckily plans changed! 

I was a bit worried about traveling in two days. I'm shocked that so much energy is taken from having surgery that didn't seem very invasive.

My dad left once I was out of the hospital. He was a rockstar at taking care of me in there!

Kent came as often as he could    :)

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