Monday, July 7, 2014

Night: Post Surgery

When I woke up after sleeping a few hours I felt so much better.  I was introduced to my new nurse for the night shift.

Her name was Gina and I instantly knew I was going to like her. She asked if I wanted a pop or anything to drink other then water and said she would heat up my lovely looking broth (dinner came while I was sleeping).  I said sure to the pop and still had my water close by.

It was probably about 8 p.m. now.

Every hour, all night long she had to keep doing this little "test" on me: "whats my name,  where are we,  and whats the date."  Then, I had to squeeze her fingers, then move my feet against her hands - pushing and pulling. She also checked my eyes. One was off for a little while, but it eventually went back to the same size as the other.

I asked if there was a mirror I could use. I was curious to see what I looked like! My rolling table actually had a little drawer with a mirror on it so that was perfect!

I had the gauze on my nose, but some dried blood was still on my face, along with sticky spots and some orange color from the cleaning wipes. I cleaned myself up.

Then my parents came back. They liked how I looked and acted much better then a few hours prior!  I seemed much more normal to them!

I asked for my phone and my purse which had makeup and my toothbrush in it.  They had it in a locker all day at the hospital, so they went and grabbed it for me.  They stayed and we chatted a while. They brought me up to par on the things I didn't remember.

I had lost a lot of blood during surgery and needed a couple units of blood.  I also had such a messed up nose my ENT,  Dr. Corsten, spent the first few hours reconstructing the inside of that.  They said it looked like I had broke it a few times and he didn't know how I was even breathing out of it.  My parents and I cannot come up with a single time that I had hurt it! So strange!

I vaguely remember hearing shortly after surgery that only a portion of the tumor was able to be removed.

That definitely made my heart sink. We had all hoped they would 'go in, get the tumor out and call it a day.'  But, that wasn't the case.

The part removed went out for testing.  My doc said it "bakes in an oven " for about a week.

Ok, let's do the waiting game again.

My hearing was so good (from getting the tube in my ear) I could hear everything and my voice wasn't loud in my head anymore. I was thrilled! I shouldn't deal with earaches anymore either.

My parents eventually left for the night and I slept off and on. Was woke every 2 hours for neuro-tests with my nurse and we chatted about a lot of things, too!

One IV and the oxygen clamp on my finger. You can also see bruising from trying to get IV's in the day before

Another IV and the blood pressure cuff. Always hooked up to many things! I have wires for the heart monitor too.

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