Hello! :) It’s been a while. Time to get you updated on my last scan and what’s to come.

My last scan was just before Thanksgiving. This time I had Kent, Alyssa and the babe with me! We stayed at Alyssa’s aunt’s house and everything was great! I had been on my oils, herbs and chemo meds. After having good results at the last scan, I was excited to hear how these ones went! Unfortunately there was growth in the brain, including a new spot trying to start. The lungs though, were great. No growth. I also had a PET scan, which it had been two years since my last. Luckily, no new areas to watch. It was hard to hear about my head scan though because I had been so hopeful, and that seems to happen often. I go in hoping and expecting one answer and I hear another. Sometimes it works the opposite though! I may go in expecting bad, and I hear good. I guess that’s what I’m hoping for this time around. I’m expecting not so great news, but maybe I’ll be surprised.
These crack me up (Kind of)- I’m getting
Injected w something that needs
To be in a metal container and
The techs are decked out in
Protective gear. |
Took little breaks to feed and change. |
So nice having her to cuddle |
Kent worked on the ride |
Little hunny gettin burped |
At the last scan they talked to me about starting radiation again. This one is called proton radiation and it only effects the bad cells and not the good. But it’s also 6 weeks long, not offered around here anywhere and most people still end up with a feeding tube. That tells me that it is not any less intense on your body. Detroit and Mayo are the closest. I really wasn’t up for doing that just yet. The last round was horrible, took MONTHS after for my mouth to heal, and I still have major issues thanks to radiation. I also have a new problem with the left side of my jaw hurting when I eat or sleep. I can’t get in a position that doesn’t hurt my jaw. I can’t open my mouth much without it hurting. And any time I bite down on something, it hurts. I think it’s due to my jaw being so uneven and the right side is titanium. So is the left just worn out from overcompensating or is there a new growth?
So these past 3 months, I’ve been on top of all my meds - Didn’t skip any chemo, took a few oils differently then last time ( I had read that some cancer areas, you need to get your dose differently and mine was one of those kinds), stayed on my herbal supplements, etc... I am hoping that this helped slow any from growing. If I need to look into radiation again, then fine. But I wanted one last chance to see if there was any change.
Oh, and some other news I got a while back, Dr Kassam is no longer at my hospital. We don’t know yet where he went, and I’m sure he has a non compete to follow. I keep googling his name, but so far no results. I’m okay without him while I don’t need surgery, but if the day comes that I do - I want Dr Kassam. So we will keep looking and see....a few days after that, my Grandma died. It was definitely a tough time! And this was right around my last scans too.
When I was 22 months old, I had a brain tumor removed. Luckily at that time it wasn’t cancer. I had an MRI when they first came out, and the doc said surgery was like a piece of cake! (I recently found some photos that I thought I’d share.) My great Grandma brought up that surgery until the day she died at 94. She would talk about how scary it was, and what a miracle it turned out to be. I went back for scans until I was about 12. I had an MRI but also a test where they glued wires to my head and I needed to sleep during that. I struggled napping always so I remember my dad would take me to a midnight movie, then wake me early to go get doughnuts. That helped me fall asleep! After that, since they had all been clear, I was good to go. I think, everyone should be able to get a yearly scan though. Wouldn’t so many things be caught sooner?! Maybe I would have caught mine before it got too far, maybe I wouldn’t be struggling all these years. Just some food for thought... (is that how you even say it? Lol)
I love this pic |
I had a nice swollen eye back then too! |
My cute shaved head 😂 |
I’ve just been exhausted. Life is tiring. Looking beyond the cancer, I’m def blessed. I have a job I love, awesome kids, amazing family and friends. But the cancer puts a big damper on everything. I’m happy and sad at the same time. Taking down the Christmas tree, I’m thinking to myself - will I be here to put it up next year? Watching my sons last hockey game (he has one more but of course I’ll miss it due to my scans) - will I be here to watch him play next year? I don’t tell people these thoughts, but I have one similar to these - almost every day. I wish I could pause everything, focus on my health for a few months, (I’d do the radiation, find holistic approaches, focus on everything I put into my body, etc.) then hit play again. But I can’t. I have a house to run and kids to take care of. And of course any chance I have to be with them, I am.
My sweet and awesome Mom and I head down in the morning. She just retired a couple weeks ago and as she said - “I have nothing going on, that’s what’s wonderful about the retiree life.” I’m ready for it to be over with. My anxiety has been crazy the past 3 weeks waiting for them. I tell myself that it’s all good, but my body knows different... I’m ready to hear if there was change, ready to hear about their thoughts on radiation. I have a trip I want to plan in May, I have girls asking about prom hair, but won’t let myself book anything until I have answers..
So here we are, just killin time for one last day, then I’ll get the scans tomorrow, and on Tuesday, the answers I’ve been waiting for. And hopefully good news.
My Gram and I |